AMPLIFIERSTHIS ELECTRONICS TUTORIALS SITEIt is assumed you have completed all of the tutorials on basic electronics because without that basic grounding you will go nowhere here. It is assumed you have a good understanding of ohms law to be able to follow the necessary calculations here. AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE BOOKMany people are interested in Audio Amplifier design. If this is your area of interest then the first thing I sincerely recommend you do is buy this excellent reference book through my amazon affliate program.
Editorial Reviews - Book Description "Design and build awesome audio amps. Amateur and professional audiophiles alike can now design and construct superior quality amplifiers at a fraction of comparable retail prices with step-by-step instruction from the High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual. Randy Slone, professional audio writer and electronics supply marketer, delivers the nuts-and-bolts know-how you need to optimize performance for any audio system--from home entertainment to musical instrument to sound stage". "Build a few simple projects or delve into the physics of audio amplifier operation and design. This easy to understand guide walks you through: Building the optimum audio power supply; Audio amplifier power supplies and construction: Amplifier and loudspeaker protection methods; Stability, distortion, and performance; Audio amplifier cookbook designs; Construction techniques; Diagnostic equipment and testing procedures; Output stage configurations, classes, and device types; Crossover distortion physics; Mirror-image input stage topologies". SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIERSThese amplifiers tutorials cover a wide range of basic amplifiers topics for your electronics learning. It is strongly suggested you start out with small signal amplifiers because this is where all the basics of amplifiers begins. You will receive a further understanding of transistors and how they operate. What are small signal amplifiers? An amplifier, with or without negative feedback, having the greatest fidelity in faithfully reproducing the input with the least distortion. It is however the least efficient, in as much the power delivered to the load is only a small percentage of the d.c. power used up in the amplification process. BROAD BAND AMPLIFIERSElectronics tutorials on further amplifier design topics are broadband amplifiers which include audio amplifiers, then there are the versatile buffer amplifiers, low level rf amplifiers are of course covered and this includes linear amplifiers. Broad band amplifiers are amplifiers which will reproduce a wide range of signals without significant loss throughout the pass band. A typical broad band amplifier is a mast head amplifier erected on a TV mast and designed not only to amplify VHF and UHF TV signals but also to establish a low noise figure. Not all broad band amplifiers are that wide so we will consider some examples here. BUFFER AMPLIFIERSA buffer amplifier is designed to follow low level stages. This will then present a sufficiently high enough input impedance so it is not considered a significant load to that stage. The intermediate or buffer amplifier stage, while not representing a load must then have a sufficiently low output impedance to drive successive stages AMPLIFIERS USING EMITTER DEGENERATIONWe also discuss amplifiers using emitter degeneration which is very handy for both enhanced stability and defined impedances. Emitter degeneration in an amplifier can be described as when all or part of an emitter resistor is not bypassed for ac or rf. Emitter degeneration is an important property in stable amplifier design. AMPLIFIERS USING NEGATIVE FEEDBACKAlso there are amplifiers using negative feedback as a further aid to stability. Negative feedback is often referred to as shunt feedback and here in this application we will use it in conjunction with emitter degeneration. How is this accomplished? Negative feedback or shunt feedback is accomplished by adding one resistor and a capacitor between collector and base of our transistor. For this exercise I'm going to go to an r.f. application and replace a resistor with a choke, it could easily have been a transformer. TUNED CIRCUIT AMPLIFIERSTuned circuit amplifiers are amplifiers where the RFC or resistor load is replaced by a tuned circuit from our band pass filters or low pass filters and if amplifier filters tutorials. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A HEATSINK?As trite as it may sound the purpose of a heatsink is to dissipate heat away from a device such as a regulator or a transistor. Here we look at a heat sink selection guide. FUTURE PLANNED AMPLIFIER TUTORIALSIn future planned electronics tutorials if there is sufficient feedback we will tackle car amplifiers because we believe this to be an area of great interest. Audio power amplifiers are another area of deep interest but as with so many products today increasing reliance is being made upon the use of integrated circuits for audio circuits as opposed to discrete transistors. Later we'll cover rf power amplifiers. COMMENT, FEEDBACK OR SUBSCRIBEI want your valuable comment, feedback, or suggestions. User friendly form here.
Principles of Transistor Circuits -
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Updated 16th April, 2001
index | broad band amplifiers | buffer amplifiers | emitter degeneration | negative feedback
small signal amplifiers | tuned circuits amplifiers |