Authored by Ian C. Purdie VK2TIP
LAST MODIFIED: THIS ELECTRONICS TUTORIALS SITEelectronics tutorials offered by are FREE to you and are extremely comprehensive with over 120 individual electronics tutorials topics covering a very wide range of electronics. It will always continue to expand so come back often. This page will give you a good broad overview of this very comprehensive electronics tutorials site. Note: All book cover images depicted on this site have been kindly provided with permission by the respective book publishers. NAVIGATING THIS SITESo you don't become confused, this site is largely set up on a basis of "directories". On the left hand side are "clickable" navigation links which take you to things like basic electronics, antennas, amplifiers, data sheets, downloads, filters, oscillators and receivers etc. Each directory has its own navigation bars to different topics under that general heading. Also each topic has at the end, and indeed often throughout the topic, related topic links. It's that easy. If you haven't already done so, I suggest you right click your mouse now and "create a short cut" for your desk top. |
ELECTRONIC PROJECT KITSNot surprisingly, I am often asked "where can I get some interesting electronic project kits?". Well it's difficult to find proper kit sites I'm happy with. On a default basis I can recommend Amazon who have supported this site for a very long time. Amazon Electronic Kits to Build - Top Selected Products and Reviews Go to the Electronic Kits to Build
This site is so popular that from 1st January, 2002 I have had to double the site's bandwidth requirements simply because of the sheer volume of traffic. This has led to an increase of over 90% in site costs. Please keep that fact in mind. DICK PURDIE VK2ARP - [SK]Also would you like to read a little about my Dad, Dick Purdie VK2ARP [SK] who taught me so much? Even radio! An interesting fellow indeed. NEED TO WRITE TO ME?If you need to write to me, Ian Purdie VK2TIP, in regard to any matter on this electronics tutorials site PLEASE read this page first. GENERAL INFORMATIONFirstly I make some solid recommendations, then give you an overview of the principal directory structure of this site. The costs of maintaining and expanding this electronics tutorial site are supported by modest commissions derived from the sales of excellent technical references and titles I personally use and recommend as well as a few donations from kind souls - the future of the internet! McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing have been sending me a number of interesting titles to review personally. I will of course present more of these book reviews as time permits. A few other responsible and highly experienced people are also offering reviews, would you like to offer a review of your favourite technical book?. My latest review is The Car Stereo Cookbook. *AND* coming soon - reviews of Robotics! Would you like to be kept up to date on my book reviews? If so send me a contact email to be added to the book-review mailing list. No cost or obligation, just a free review brought to your attention. |
CONTRIBUTE TO ELECTRONICS TUTORIALSAll I require is a plain vanilla text file (your-file.txt) of your written copy and, gif or jpg files of your schematics and photographs. Don't worry if you think your writing isn't terribly brilliant, that's what I'm for. Most times I need to edit work either for space, clarity or simply making it search engine friendly. Click here for further information to begin earning money. ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT LEARNING ELECTRONICS?If you seriously want to learn about electronics then the first thing I sincerely recommend you do is buy yourself this excellent reference book (below) through my Amazon affiliate program. This will continue to prove a good initial investment in your ongoing education. As you can see it has comprehensive topics and is very modestly priced for a publication of its calibre. Other recommended titles appear to the left. RF CIRCUIT DESIGN- Chris Bowick, WD4C I have never read a better book on RF design. Chris's book is a constant reference for the serious RF designer. You will be amazed at the quality and the quantity of the content. As someone commented, "This is THE book to learn how to use a Smith Chart" - 176 pages ONE OF A NUMBER OF UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Hi Ian, Just a quick note to say thanks for the book-shop department. I took your advice and bought the book by Chris Bowick. It's great. The material is very well presented and it is just right for about every level from beginner to engineer. Good choice! Regards, Larry L. Beavers CPBE W1GTA, Assistant Chief Engineer, WBZ Newsradio 1030 Chris Bowick wrote to me in December, 2001 and, was very kind enough to share with us this update to his biography. My edition of this book has chapters on: Components Resonant Circuits Filter Design Impedance Matching Transistors at Radio Frequencies - RF Small Signal RF Amplifier Design RF Power Amplifiers Appendices on Vector Algebra and Noise Calculations ( Types of Noise - Noise Figure - Receiver Systems Calculations ). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Additional valuable titles can be seen at VK2TIP's recommended reference and text books. ELECTRONICS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSIf you are involved in electronics then consider joining our "Electronics Questions and Answers" news group to share your thorny questions and answers and help out your colleagues. The absolute fastest way to get your questions answered and yes, I DO read the posts. This is a mutual help group with a very professional air about it. I've learn't things. Not for absolute newcomers to ask very basic questions already covered by these tutorials BUT it is an excellent learning resource for lurkers. Presently [September, 2010], there are now over 1,100+ subscribers and it's FREE! Join our "Electronics Questions and Answers" news and discussion group NOW! ANTENNASThis section is completely new. The first instalment on antennas is about the basics of antennas including quarter wave verticals, half wave dipoles, folded dipoles and collinear arrays. Much more will be added over time. BASIC ELECTRONICS TUTORIALSStarting out you need to cover basic electronics which encompasses the topics of ohms law, voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, reactance, impedance and Q. Further topics in these basic electronics tutorials are power supply basics as well as digital basics. EARTH DANGERSIn particular I would commend everyone to read my page on earth dangers. It could possibly save your life or the life of a loved one. I think it ought to be compulsory reading for everyone. AMPLIFIER DESIGN, HAM RADIOMajor electronics tutorials range from amplifier design, general radio design to amateur radio or as some prefer, ham radio. LC FILTERSA huge LC filter design section includes bandpass filters, low pass filters and high pass filters as well as narrow band pass filters. I've even started on active filters with a page on Active band pass filters. RECEIVERS, OSCILLATORS, TRANSMITTERSFurther electronics tutorials are on receiver design including am receivers, fm receivers and general coverage receivers which incorporate ssb as well as cw. Transmitter design covers oscillators including crystal oscillators, voltage controlled oscillators, hartley and colpitts oscillators. Frequency drift in oscillators is discussed along with oscillator drift correction circuits. These are followed by amplifier topics on buffer amplifiers, low level rf amplifiers as well as linear amplifiers. TEST EQUIPMENTIn the test equipment section so far I've discussed meters, meter shunts and NOW a fantastic Spectrum Analyzer Project for you to construct and own at relatively low cost. Don't miss it! DATA SHEETSProgressively I'm gathering links to the more popular data sheets in PDF format. These include the MC3362 single channel VHF FM narrowband receiver, 555 timer, NE602 mixer, 2N2222A bipolar transistor, MPF102 J-FET and more. I've included a short summary and links to data sheets for the popular MC12149 Low power voltage controlled oscillator buffer which is intended for applications requiring high frequency signal generation up to 1300 MHz. Also included is the MC12181 125 – 1000 Mhz Frequency Synthesizer. The MC12181 is a monolithic bipolar synthesizer integrating a high performance prescaler, programmable divider, phase/frequency detector, charge pump, and reference oscillator/buffer functions. FREE DOWNLOADS, AND A SITE MAPFor convenience have provided you with a site tree of all the electronics tutorials offered on this site. It is highly recommended you begin with the basic electronics tutorials. I have also included a valuable FREE downloads section of software likely to assist you in pursuit of your interests in electronics. Tell your friends about this page! RECOMMENDED ELECTRONICS BOOKSI'm often asked about the reference and text books I'd recommend. Here are a few real quality titles I can really recommend with absolute confidence, all written by highly respected authors. Please note I have an affiliate program with Amazon Books which assists toward site costs. In recent months, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing have been sending me a number of interesting titles to review personally, that's confidence!. I will of course present these book reviews as time permits. |
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While not exactly electronics, many of us love "toys for boys" to play with. Model aeroplanes, boats, trains or whatever. A good friend of mine, Roger and his wife Bracha have recently purchased an online rocketry store called "'s Online Rocketry Store". I've looked it over and, while it's been 50 years since I had any remote involvement with model rocketry at Sydney University, it's obvious this world has changed dramatically since those days. So if model rocketry is among your interests then go and look over Roger and Bracha's "'s Online Rocketry Store". Don't forget to say G'Day.
This site has become so popular that not only do I predict the calendar year 2005 will probably see over 1,500,000 individuals look at about 5 million pages.
Did you know this site is linked from some of the most widely respected educational institutions in the world?
This is a fraction of the feedback I've already received about this site.
Web site Corrections - Occasionally a typo slips through and is displayed online. I value attention to quality in my electronics tutorials and will make every effort to correct errors pointed out to me or other areas where a tutorial is not as clear as it could be. Please contact me though my comments form and indicate the URL of the affected page.
Well I actually know a hell of a lot about cooking and recipes simply because in conjunction with drinking wine it's my very favourite past time and quite healthy also. No not the namby pamby health food kind of cooking, my recipes largely come from my old mum who ensured each of us kids could cook a baked dinner by the time we were 14. You also had to be able to clean, wash, iron and sew at that age! Other recipes I learned along the way as, in my lifetime, Australia has become a truly multicultural country with a great many nations contributing their style of cooking and sharing their recipes with us
Sometimes I'm asked questions such as: "where do you live?"..., "what's it like living there in Australia?"...
In answer to these burning issues I have prepared this page. I hope you find it interesting. I'll try to update it as much as possible.
Ian Purdie VK2TIP's home and surrounding area.
Have fun here ....Humour for amateur radio and electronics enthusiasts.
- All the best Ian Purdie VK2TIP.